Do you have a dream or a passion you wish to pursue?
Do you have an area of your life you want to change?
Do you want to be proactive rather than reactive?
Are you overwhelmed and stressed out?
Are you unsure about the next phase of your life?
Do you want help identifying and breaking negative patterns?
Are you ready to experience marriage the way God intended it to be?
Are you "crazy busy" and need someone to listen and help you sort out your priorities and live out your values?
I served as Care Pastor
for a growing church for over
12 years, leading and developing a
comprehensive care & coaching ministry. I have coached over 60 couples in strengthening their marriages; led a strong financial coaching ministry; grief ministry; divorce ministry and recovery ministry.
In 2016, I launched Ignite C3 Ministries, Inc. and serve as the Executive Director, complementing my passion as a life coach.
Every person is a hand-crafted masterpiece with unique gifts, talents and abilities and is made for a purpose. Sometimes life, challenges and busyness get in the way and you need someone to come alongside you as you navigate obstacles and discover your potential.
My mission is to help people discover and better know themselves in order to experience thriving relationships & move from where they are to where they want to be.